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Mablost (Dor; S) KAB
Mablung (Dor) LUG1
mace (S) - cf. RUD
machine (S) GAWA/GOWO
Maedhros (S) RUS
Maeleg (S; Q) MIL-IK (not valid in mature Sindarin)
magic (Q, S, Dor) ÑGOL, (R) LUK; magic skill (S) PHIN; magical (Dor) ÑGOL; magician (S) ÑGOL
Magladhûr (S) MAK
Maglavorn (S) MAK
Maglor (S; Q) MAK
maid (Q) GWEN, (S) [SEL-D - meaning changed to 'child']
maiden (R, Q, S) WEN/WENED
Maidhros (S) MAD, MAG (see MA3)
Makalaure (Q; S) MAK
make (Ilk) TAK, (R) KAR (rewritten), (R) TAN, (R, Q) KAR; maker (S) DER. Cf. also: make a mark (R) TEK; make a way (S) RAT; make come (A) TUL; make fast (R) TAK; make long(er) (R) TAY; make room (R) DAB; make soft by rubbing (R) MASAG; make to spark (Q) TIN; make war (S) NDAK
male (Q, S:) INI, (R:) , (R, Q, OS, S, Dor:) 3AN (p. 360); adult male (R, Q, OS, S) DER
man (R, Q) NDER, (R:) NÊR, NIS, (Q, PQ, OS:) , (Q:) WEG, (R, Q, OS, S:) DER, (S, Dan:) BES, (Dan:) BER; adult man (Q:) WEG; learned man (Q:) IS; steadfast man (OS, S, Ilk:) BOR; trusty man (OS, S, Ilk:) BOR; valiant man (Ilk:) BER; noble man (A, Q, S:) KAL; man in the Moon (Q, S:) TIL. Cf also: man-power (S) WEG, manhood (Q, A, S) WEG; manly (Q) WEG
manathon (S, meaning unclear) MANAD (see MAN)
Mandos (Q; S) MBAD, (Q:) GOS/GOTH; Morimando (a name of Mandos) (Q) MOR; Nurufantur (another name or title) (Q) ÑGUR, (Q; S) SPAN
day of Mandos and Lorien LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK
Manwe, Manwë (Q, S) MAN, (Q) WEG; *Manw (hypotethical S form of Q Manwë, not used) WEG; surname of Manwë THÛ; Kalamando (a title of Manwë) (Q) MBAD, KAL; Manwë's hall (S) TÂ/TA3; day of Manwe (Q, S) LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK; son of Manwë (Q) PHI
many (R, Q, S) LI; having many oak-trees (Q) DÓRON; having many years (= old) (Q) YEN
maple (etc.) (S) TUS
margin (R, Q) REG
mark (Q, S) TEK; tiny mark (Q) TIK; make a mark (R) TEK
married pair (A, Q) BES
Martalmar (Q) TALAM
Martan (Q) GAWA/GOWO; Martan, Martano (Q; S) TAN
mast (A, Q) TYUL
mast (Q, OS) PHER/PHÉREN (Note: mast here means 'beechnuts, acorns')
master (A, Q) TUR, (A?) TÂ/TA3, (Q, OS, S:) KHER, master (S, A) TUR; Master of Fate (Q, S) TUR; masterful (A) TÁWAR; mastery (R, A, Q, S) TUR
matrimony (A, Q) BES
meagre (S, A) SLIN
meal (R, Q) POR
mean (Q, S) SPAY
meaning (S) ID
meat (Q?, S, Ilk) AP
Megildur (S) MAK
Melian, title of (Ilk) TÂ/TA3; a Q form learnt from Melian SIL
Melimar (Q) MEL
Melko [= Melkor] (Q, S) MOR; Melko (Q; A, S, Gnomish) MIL-IK (but Moeleg is hardly valid in mature Sindarin, and the etymology found under MIL-IK was later rejected); Melko's mace, see RUD
Melthinorn, Melinorn (S) SMAL
(men and) elves (Q) UGU/UMU
Menegroth (S) ROD
merriment (Q) GALÁS
merry singer (S) GYEL
metal (Q, S) TINKÔ, (R, Q, OS, S) RAUTÂ; polished metal (OS, S) RUS; glitter of metal (R) RUS
mewing (Q) MIW
mid- (S) NÉD; middle (Q) ÉNED, (R) NÉD; Middle-earth (Q, S) MBAR, (Q?) NDOR, (Q) EN (Note: The standard translation of "Middle-earth", found in LotR, is Q Endor [ÉNED, MBAR], S Ennor, not Entar, Entarda as under EN.) Midyear (Q?) YEN; Midyear week (Q, S) LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK
mighty (A, S:) TÁWAR, (A, OS, S:) BEL, (A, Q, S:) TUR, (S:) TÁWAR
Minnas-tirith (S) TIR
mîr na Nauglin (S) NAUK
Mirimor (Teleri) (Q) MIS
mist (R, A, Q, S) KHIS/KHITH; wet mist (S) MITH
Mithrim (S) MITH, RINGI
mock (R) YAY
mocking (Q, OS, S) YAY
Moeleg (S; Q) MIL-IK (not a valid word in mature Sindarin)
moist (Q, A) NEI; moisture (Dor) MIZD; moisten (S) LINKWI
monster (A, Q, S) BAN, (A, Q, T, Ilk, S) ÚLUG; monsters (Q) UGU/UMU; monstrous (S) BAN
mood (Q) ID, (Q?) TUR
Moon (A, Q, S, Dor:) I, (S, Q:) THIL (but in mature Sindarin, Ithil seems to be the normal word for the moon rather than a "poetic name" as stated here), (Q, S:) RAN, (Q, S:) SIL, (S:) SPAR; crescent moon (S) KU3
Mor-thu (S) THUS
Morgoth (S?) KOT
Morimando (Q) MOR
Morimor (Q, S) MOR
Moriqendi [Moriquendi] (Q) MOR
Mormakil (Q; S) MAK
Mormegil (S; Q) MAK
morn (early) (Q) TUY
morning (Q, S) AR1
mortal (adjective) (Q) PHIR; mortal (noun) (S) PHIR; mortals (Q, S) KHIL; mortal maid (S) PHIR; mortal man (Q) PHIR
Morwen (S) WEN/WENED
mother (R, Q, Ilk, S) AM1 (note: the pl. of Ilkorin aman, given in Etym as emuin, is a misreading for emnin) (S) NAN; mother (hypocoristic) (S) NAN
mound (A, Q, S) TUN, (R, A, Q, S) KHAG, (R, Q, S) KUB, (S) KHAW (see KHAG also)
mountain (R, Q, OS, S, Dor) ORO; mountain-top (Q) ORO; mountain peak (Q, S) AYAK; range of mountain peaks (S) AYAK (read aeglir for oeglir in mature Sindarin); range of mountains (S) ORO; mountain peak range (S) LIR2; mountain-stream (A, S) ULU; Mountains of Lindon (S) LIN2, LUG2
mouth (A, Q) GAS, (R, Q) PEG; mouth of a river (A?, Q, S) ET
move back (R) AB; give quick twist or move (Q) RIK(H); move towards (point of speaker) (R) TUL
move (noun) - sudden move (R, S) RIK(H)
muscle (A, Q, OS, S, Ilk) TUG
music (Q) LIN2; Music of the Ainur (Q) AYAN
mutated, of vowel (S) PERES

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