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habit (A, S, Q) KHIM
hack through (S) SYAD
hadhafang (S) STAG
Hador (S) KHAT
hair (R, Q, S) LOKH; braid of hair (A, Q) SPIN; braided hair (OS, S) SPIN; lock of hair (OS) SPIN; shaggy hair (OS, S) PHAS; tangled hair (Q) PHAS
Haldir (S) DER, SKAL1
half (Q, S) PER; half-Elf (S) PER; half-Gnome (S) PER
hall (A, S) STAB; great hall (S) STAB; wooden hall (Q) PAN
halt (R) PUS, (S) DAR; halt (noun) (S) PUS
halve (R) PER
hammer (noun) (Q, S) NDAM; hammer (verb) (R, Q, S) NDAM (Note: S damna- should be *damma); hammerer of copper (Q, S) NDAM (Note: RAUTÂ replaced by URUN)
hand (R, PQ, Q, OS, S) MA3, (S) KAB, (A, Ilk, Dor) MAP; clutching hand (R, Q) KWAR; full hand (S) KAB; palm of hand (S) LAD (OS, S) DAL; flat of hand (R) RUN
handicraft (S) MAG (see MA3)
Handir (Q) KHAN
handle (verb) (Eld., Q, OS, S) MA3, (R) MAG (see MA3)
handy (Q, OS, S) MA3
hang (R, Q, S) LING/GLING, (Q, S:) [GLING]; hang over oppressively (R) DUB
harbour (Q) KHOP, [KOP]; harbourage (Q) KHOP
hard (Ilk, A) STARAN; hard to deal with (Dan) SKWAR
harp (noun) (Q, S, Ilk.) ÑGAN; little harp (Q) ÑGAN; harp (verb) (Q) ÑGAN; play a harp (S) ÑGAN; harp-player (A?, Q, S) TYAL; harper (Q, S, A) ÑGAN; harping (Q) ÑGAN; harping on one tune (Q) BOR (read *vorongandele for vorogandele)
harsh (Q) NÁRAK
hasp (Q, S, Ilk) TAK
hassock (S) STAR
haste (R, Q) GOR; ?haste (Tolkien's gloss was illegible, but as the word in question has a plural form, the interpretation "haste" is very unlikely - read probably "hawk", as suggested by Christopher Tolkien) (Q) PHI; hastening (A) SKAR; hasty (Q) GOR
hateful (S) DYEL
Haudh i Ndengin (S) NDAK
havathang (S) STAG
have (S) 3AR (p. 360); having many oaks (Q) LI; having many poplars (Q) LI; having trees (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
haven (Q) KHOP; (S) PAD
?hawk (Tolkien's gloss was illegible, but this interpretation is more likely than "haste") (Q) PHI
hawthorn (S) ORO; hawthorn (etc.) (S) TUS
he (A? Q?, S) S (The "so"-inflection mentioned actually manifests in Quenya as the ending -ro, s becoming r between vowels: antaváro *"he will give" [LR:63]. A later text suggests that Tolkien rejected the S pronoun ho "he" in favour of e.)
head (R, Q) KAS, (S, OS:) NDOL, (R:) [KEPER]; round head (Q) NDOL; Wet Head (Dor) NDOL
health, be in (R) GALA
heap (R, Q, S) KUB
hearer (A, S) LAS2; hearing (Q) LAS2
heart (A, Q, S) ID; physical heart (R, Q, S) KHÔ-N; Heart of hidden rock (Gondolin) (S) DUL; heart-vigour (Q, S) KHÔ-N
heat (A), white heat (OS, S) BARÁS; red [heat?] (Tolkien's gloss illegible), smouldering heat (Q) YUL
heaven, vault of (Ilk) ROD
heavy (R, A, Q, S, Dor) LUG1; heavy stroke (S) DARÁM
hedge in (R) THUR
height (R) ORO, (S, A) TÂ/TA3
heir (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
Helcaraxë see Helkarakse
Helevorn (S?) KHYEL(ES)
Helkarakse (spelt Helcaraxë in the published Silmarillion) (Q, S) KARAK
hell (R, S, Q) MBAD
helmet (A, Q) KAS
hem (Q, Dor, S)
herb (OS, S) SALÁK-(WÊ)
here (R) SI
Herendil (Q) KHER, NIL/NDIL
hero (A, Q, S) KAL, (A, S) STÁLAG; hidden hero (S) SKAL1
hew (R, S) DARÁM; hewn log (S) DARÁM
hidden (Ilk) THUR, (Q:) MUY, (Q, A, OS, S:) SKAL1, (S) DUL; hidden hero (S)SKAL1
hide (R) DUL; hide (from light) (R) SKAL1; hiding (noun) (Ilk) SKAL1
hideous (S) BAN, (T, Ilk) ÚLUG; deformed and hideous creature (A, T, Ilk, S) ÚLUG
high (R) ORO, TÂ/TA3, (S) KHAL2, (S) TUR; high tree (R) ORO; high isolated tree (Q) ORO; High White Horn (Q, S, A) NIK-W; high-speech (Quenya) TÂ/TA3 (but here Quenya is equated with Lindarin, which is not valid information after Tolkien's later revisions: Lindar became a name of the Teleri, not the Vanyar as in the former conception)
Hildórien (Q) KHIL, PHIR
hill (A, Q, S) TUN, (S) AM2; isolated hill (A, S) TUN; hill-side (Q) AM2, (R) [DEN]
hindmost (Q) TELES
Hirilorn (S?) NEL
Hísilóme, Hisilómë (Q, S) LUM
Hísilumbe, Hísilumbë (Q; S) LUM
hiss (R) SUS
historical (Q) LU; (S) KWET/PET
history (Q) LU, NAR2, (Q, S) KWET/PET
Hithliniath (S?) KHIS/KHITH
Hithlum (S; Q) LUM; (S) KHIS/KHITH
hold (S) 3AR (p. 360), (R, S) [GAR]; hold allegiance to (S) BEW; holder (S, Ilk) TAK
hole (A, Q) GAS, (A, Q, S) DAT/DANT, (R) DEN
holiday (Q) MBER
Hollin (Dor? S?) ERÉK
hollow (R), hollow of hand (Q) KAB; hollow (adjective) (OS, S) ROD, (noun and adj.) (Q) UNUK; hollow out (OS, S) ROD, (Q) UNUK
holly (Q) ERÉK, holly-tree (S) TUS, ERÉK, (S, Dor) ÓR-NI (under ORO); holly (etc.) (S) TUS
holy (A, Q) AYAN; holy one (Q) AYAN; holy place (Q, S) YAN; holy spirit (R) MAN
honey (R, Q, S) LIS; honey-eater = bear (A, S) LIS
hood (A, Q), from hood to base (Q) TEL/TELU
hook (Q) GAT, (Q, S) GAP, (R) REP; hooked (Q) REP
horn (R, Q, S) TARÁK, (R, Q, S) TIL; horn (especially on living animal, but also applied to mountains) (Q,S) RAS (Note: rhaes should probably be rhass); horn (musical) (Q, OS, S) ROM; horn of Ulmo (A, Q) SYAL; horn-blast (R) ROM; the Horned, the (Q, S) TIL; sound of horns (S) ROM
horror (R, Dor, S) ÑGOROTH, (S) GIR; horrible (Dor) ÑGOROTH, (S) DYEL, (T, Ilk) ÚLUG
horse (Q,S) ROK
host (A, Q, OS, S) RIM, (S) KHOTH, (S) WEG
hostile (Q) KOT
hot (A, OS) BARÁS; be hot (R) UR (This entry was struck out in the Etymologies, but a word that must be derived from this stem occurs in LotR, so it seems that Tolkien restored it.)
hound (A, Q, S) KHUG, (R) [KHUGAN]; hound of chase (A, Q, S) ROY1
house (Q, S) KAR, (S) TAK; walled house (Q, S) PEL(ES); house (= clan) (Q, S) ; House of Finrod (S) ; household (S) KHER
howl (verb) (R, S) ÑGAW; wolf-howl (Q) ÑGAW; howling (noun) (S) ÑGAW
Huan (Q) KHUG
huge (A, OS, S) BEL, (S) TÁWAR
human (adjective) (Q, S) PHIR
hummock (S) STAR
hump (Q, S) TUMPU
Hundor (S) KHÔ-N
hunt (noun) (OS) SPAR, (Q, S) ROY1 (note: raime should probably be *roime); hunt (verb) (R, OS, S) SPAR; hunter (S) SPAR; hunting (OS, S) SPAR, (Q, S) ROY1
Huor (Q, S) KHÔ-N, (S, A) GOR
Hurin (A?, S) KHOR; Húrin, Húrinn (S) ID
hurl (R, S) KHAT
husband (A, OS, S, Ilk) BES; (S) KHER; husband and wife (A, Q) BES
hyrned (old English: "horned") (Q, S) TIL

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