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cake of compressed flour or meal for journeys (S) KRAB
Calamando see Kalamando
Calamor see Kalamor
Calaquendi (obsolete spelling Kalaqendi in Etym) (Q) KAL
call (Q) GYEL
Cambant (S) KWAT
Camlost (S) LUS, MAP, (S; Dor) KAB
canopy (verb) (Q) TEL/TELU
cape (A, Q, S) MBUD
Caradras (Caradhras) (S) RAS
carpenter (A, Q, OS, S, Ilk) STAB
catch (noun) (Q) GAT; catch (verb) (S) GAT
cause (verb) (R, Q) KYAR (see also KAR)
cave (R, Q, S, Dor) ROD, (S) GAT(H), (T, Q, OS, S) PHÉLEG; cavern (A, S) GAT(H); cavernous (OS, S) ROD
cease (Q) KHAW, KYEL, PUS
Ceirdan (S) TAN
Celebrant (S) RAT
Celebrimbor (S?) KWAR
Celebrond (S) RUD
Celebros (S) ROS1, RUS
Celegorn (S) GOR, KYELEK
Celon (Ilk?) KEL
centre (R, Q) ÉNED, (R, S, Q) NÉD; centre of the world (Q) ÉNED (which gives Endor; a more normal translation of Endor is "Middle-earth")
[Certhan] (S) TAN
cessation (S) PUS
chain (S) WED
chamber (A, Q) STAB
channel (Q) KEL
chant (Q) LIR1
charm (S, Dor?) LUK
chase (R) ROY1; 'chaser', i.e. hound of chase (A, Q, S) ROY1
Chasm of Ilmen (Q) GAS
cheat (R, OS, S) WAR
cheeks (S) KARÁN
chief (adj.) (Q) KHER; chieftain (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
child (R, Q) SEL-D (meaning changed from "daughter". The normal Q word for "child", not found in Etym, is hína pl. híni; see WJ:403.) Children of the Valar (Q) BAN
chronological account (Q) LU
Cil-thoron, Cil-thorondor (S) THOR/THORON, Cilthoron (S) KIL/SKIL
Cilgalad (S) KIL/SKIL
Cilthoron, Cilthorondor (S) KIL/SKIL
circle (Q, S) RIN, (S) KOR; circular (Q, S) RIN (Note: S rhinn 'circular' should probably be *rhenn); circular enclosure (Q, S) KOR
Cirdan (S) TAN
city (Q, S) OS; city (built above ground) (S) KYAR (see KAR); city in underground caves (S) OS; twilit city (S?) TIN
clamour (Q) ÑGAL
clan (Q) NDOR, (Q, S)
clasp (Q, S, Ilk) TAK
claw (Q) GAT, (S) GAP
clean (A, Q, S) POY
cleared (of land) (Q, S) LAT; clearing in forest (S) LAT
cleave (R) MAK, RIS; (R, Q) SYAD; 'cleaver' (= sword) (S) KIRIS, (A) SYAD
cleave (to) (R) KHIM; cleave to (Q) KHIM
cleft (A, Q, S) YAG; (Q, A) SYAD; (Q, S) KIL/SKIL; (S) KIRIS
clenched fist (S) DARÁM
clever (A, OS, S) MAG, under MA3
cloth (Q) LAN; clothing (S) KHAP
clothe (S) KHAP
cloud (Q) ÚLUG, (Q, S, A) SPAN
club (OS, S) RUD
clutching hand (R) KWAR
cobweb (A, S, Q) SLIG
cold (R, Q, OS, S) RINGI; bitter cold (S) KHELEK (see KHEL); ice-cold (Q) KHELEK (see KHEL); cold pool or lake (in mountains) (Q, Dor, S) RINGI
collect (verb) (Q) KHOTH; collection of flowers, blossom (S) LOT(H)
come (R, Q, S) TUL; come behind (R) NDEW; [come forward] (R) EDE/EDEL (see ELED); come out (of flowers, sun, etc.) (R) ETER; come swooping down (R) THOR (p. 393); come to an end (R) KYEL
come to an end (R) KYEL (cf. KEL); come to life (R) KUY
commerce (Q) MBAKH
compact (A, Q, OS, S) WED, make a compact (Q) [WED]
compel (R, Q) MBAW
compose (R, OS) PAR
comprehend (R) KHAN
compress (R) STAG
compulsion (Q) MBAW, (S) STAG
conceal (Q, OS) SKAL1, (R, S) DUL
conceive (S) NOWO (note: conceive here means 'have an idea' not 'become pregnant'); conception (Q) NOWO
concern (verb) (OS) PERES; concerning (S) OS
conch (A, Q) SYAL
confined (R) AK
confirm (S) TAK
confused noise (S) GLAM
conquer (S, A) TUR
consonant - spirant consonant (Q?) SUS, stopped consonant (S) PUS
conspicuous (Q) MINI
construct (Ilk) TAK, (R) KAR; construction (A, Q) TAK, (Q) TAN
contemn (R) SPAY; contemptible (Q) SPAY
continual (Q) BOR; continually (adv.) (S) KHIM; continually (Q) BOR; continual repetition (Q) BOR (read *vorongandele for vorogandele)
contorted (S) SNUR
contract ([Q], S) WED
contrive (R) GAWA/GOWO; contrivance (S) GAWA/GOWO
control (R, Q, S) TUR; in control of (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
cooked food (Q?, S, Ilk) AP
copper - Tolkien originally assigned the meaning 'copper' to RAUTÂ, but changed it to 'metal'; in The Peoples of Middle-earth p. 366 an Eldarin stem URUN 'copper' is mentioned, but no later derivates, Q or S, are given. Hammerer of copper (Q, S) NDAM (but after the change mentioned above, Q Nambarauto/S Damrod would mean *'hammerer or metal' instead)
copper-coloured (Q, S) GAY
Côr > Caur (A, S) KOR
cord (S) SNUR
core (S, Q) NÉD
corn (S) YAB
corner (S) NAS; corner (from inside) (R) BEN
corpse (A, Q) KWEL, (OS, S) NDAK
corrupt (S) THUS
coruscation (Q) RUS
count (S) ; count (verb) (R, S) NOT; count up (Q, S) NOT; countless (S) NOT
countenance (S, A) THÊ
country (Q)
courage (Q, S) KHÔ-N
course (OS, S) YUR; course (of a river) (A, OS, S, Ilk) RAT
courtyard (S) PAD
cover (R, A, Q, S) TOP; covering (A, Q) TEL/TELU
crabbed (S) SNUR
craft (Q) TAN, (R, Q, S) KUR, (S) MAG (see MA3); craftsman (Q) TAN
Cranthir (= Caranthir in the published Silmarillion) (S) KARÁN, THÊ; land of Cranthir (Dor) RAD
create (Q) ONO; creature (Q, S) ONO; creature of Melko[r] (Q) BAN; deformed and hideous creature (A, Q, T, Ilk, S) ÚLUG
crescent (S) KU3; crescent moon (S) KU3
crest, crest of wave (Q) WIG; crested wave (Q) PHAL/PHÁLAS
Cristhoron (S) KIRIS
crooked (A, OS, S) RAG, (Q) RÁYAK, (Q) REP, (R, Q) SKWAR
cross (S) RAT
crossbar (Q) SKWAR
crossing (S) AT(AT), RAT
Crossway (gloss not certainly legible) (S?) THAR
crow (R, Q, S) KORKA (see KARKA)
crowd (A, Q) STAG, (A, Q, OS, S) RIM, (S) KHOTH
crown (Q, A, OS, S) RIG; crowned (Q, S) RIG; crowned lady (used = queen) (S) TÂ/TA3; crown-gift (A, S) RIG; from crown to foot (Q) TEL/TELU
cruel (Q, S) ÑGWAL, (S) MBAW
cry of encouragement in battle (OS, S) SIW
crystal (Ilk) MBIRIL
cunning (S) KUR
cupola (Q) KOR
Curufin (S) PHIN, KUR
cushion (A, Q, OS, S) NID
custom (A, S) KHIM
cut (noun) (Q, S, Ilk) RIS, (R, S) KIRIS; cut (verb) (R, A, Q, S) RIS; cut round (S) OS
cutlass (S) LAG
cycle (A, Q, OS, S) RAD

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